Sunday, November 2, 2008

Gone again...

Well, this week I am leaving for New Mexico (Tuesday through Thursday). Next week, Houston (Monday through Friday). I'm finding out that being bi-vocational has it's challenges. Study time is diminished with work demands, home demands, spending time with my bride, etc.

Please pray for me as I am away. I'm praying for those of you you post here.


Calvary Chapel Shawnee said...

have a safe trip. Keep you prep simple and prayerful. The results will be great.

Jim Goodman said...

Okie relish in the Sooner win while it lasts TT us gonna come callin' ;)

Have a safe trip, I feel for you since I travel a lot.

Do you have a laptop? I've put many teachings together in hotel rooms, restaurants and airplanes. Found some great tools online and free downloadables.

Anonymous said...

Praying for you okie.


Anonymous said...

Jim: yea, I have a laptop, praise God. And TT is going down...

Steve: Thanks, bro...

Jim Goodman said...

Praying for ya Okie - I hope your week is rockin' so far.

Anonymous said...
