Monday, October 27, 2008

The "Confessing Church"

There seems to be a new fad among those who are "reinventing church," mainly that of "apologizing to the culture for being the church," writes Paul Edwards (WLQV Detroit, posted at

Apparently, the church needs to apologize for:

...being hypocritical (this coming from those who watch wrestling on a regular basis and think hypocrisy is limited to the church);

...being intolerant (teaching that homosexually is sinful, the orthodox position of the historical church for over 1,600 years);

...condoning slavery (even though the Underground Railroad was started by Christians, of whom are my ancestors, at great peril to their physical being).

...ordering the Crusades (no one talks about the Crusades centuries earlier that slaughtered millions of Christians, Jews, and non-believers and enslaved the Holy Land);

...being ignorant in insisting that the world was created in defiance of so-called science that insists upon Darwinian Evolution (not realizing that the theory of Evolution has never been proved, that transitional fossils that Darwin said would validate his theory have never been discovered, and not one shred of proof supporting Evolution has ever been put forth).

Edwards writes, "...a dozen or more churches across the country that have discovered the latest fad sure to increase your worship attendance created by the psychologically-driven church growth movement: be sorry — be very sorry — for preaching a gospel that rubs the culture the wrong way." He goes on to write, "...most of these so-called “sins” are nothing more than liberal media stereotypes of conservative, evangelical, gospel-preaching churches whose real sin is offending the sensitivities of the culture by maintaining their faithfulness to the Word of God." Well said.

It is true that there are hypocrites in the church - no one denies that. But what about hypocrites in government, business, the stock market (what a reminder we got just recently!), banks - you name it, there are hypocrites everywhere. So why is it that just the ones in the church are constantly pointed out?

It is true that many Christians have reacted poorly to the sin of homosexuality, treating homosexuals poorly.

It is true that slavery was a dark spot on the canvas of this great nation. What has been done cannot be undone, and even today the descendants of slavery still suffer.

It is also true that the Crusades were ordered in order to clear a path to the Holy Land for Christians to go and worship; and that history has been grossly exaggerated by those who despise Christianity for the purpose of condemning all Christians and the Christian faith.

So what shall we do? Water down the truth in order not to offend? Or do we continue to declare the truth even though there are those who do not want to hear and will be offended?

Edwards writes, "Our mandate is to preach the Word, not waste our time apologizing for it to a self-obsessed culture under the guise of “humble orthodoxy.”"

He is right. While I do not seek to offend anyone, I will not apologize for telling you the truth even if it does offend you.


Jim Goodman said...

That really offends me ;)

Excellent post - Some like to take truth and make it Truth or equal to it.

"psychologically-driven church"

I am not sure what he exactly mean by this - I tend to view things more of principle driven than psychologically driven in the truest sense. In either case the point he makes is dead-on.

Nothing wrong with truth principle when it is top down from a Truth foundation. Today though many have it backwards and making truth fit into Truth putting greater emphasis on man's wisdom.

Dangerous ground for sure.

A E A said...

And be not conformed to the world but be transformed...

It'll get worse before it gets better, but haven't we been expecting that?

Look up for your redemption draws nigh.

Anonymous said...

Jim; AEA: Just another sign of the last days, me thinks...

Jim Goodman said...

End-times yeah - I just wrote a post about a book I am reading and I really do think I am getting a bit fed up with some of the stuff being passed as truth. Grrrrr on this new quasi, pseudo Christian mumbo jumbo

A E A said...

Okie, jim,

Yep pretty exciting times.

There is no logic in what is happening.

It is maddening to try to reason this out, but it is simply because things of the Spirit are spiritually discerned.

The Bible, the times, the evil that is described as good and the good described as evil by the god of the air(waves), and his servants, makes sense to those that are born again and we scratch our heads because people can't see what is clearly happening.

But it is because the god of this world has blinded their minds.

Some people are playing church, some churches are playing church, the distinction between believers and non believes will get clearer and clearer as the days go on.

There are many in the pulpit that are preaching tolerance, not Holiness, wide smooth roads not narrow and difficult.

There are many in the pulpit that I listen to smooth soft word and yet wonder to myself, "My what big teeth you have behind that smile."

Maryb said...

I learn a lot just reading the comments by all of you.

Anonymous said...

AEA said: "...the distinction between believers and non believes will get clearer and clearer as the days go on."

I have been saying the this for years. We are on the same page bro...blessings

A E A said...

Me thinks we've been on the same page for years. :)

Blessings to you Okie!

Maryb said...

Hi Okie
Did you pass out candy tonight?

Came by to see how you are today. Pray all is well.

I did not pass out candy, Im still nursing my foot.

Anonymous said...
