Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Time for a change…

Recently a new friend posted this about my use of Cletus the slack jawed yokel as a gravatar: “some people might not think a Simpsons gravitar is appropriate for a “man of God” either…..who gets to decide?…….not an argument but a sincere question?”

After considering and praying about what he has said, I have come to the conclusion that he is correct. Henceforth, I will no longer be using the image.

First and foremost, the use of the image was in no way an endorsement of the Simpson’s television program. I do not, nor have I ever, endorsed the views of the characters or writers of the Simpson’s.

My intention in using the image was twofold:

  • First it was a poor attempt at poking fun at myself (my last name is Slack, hence “Cletus the slack jawed yokel”

  • Second it was a poor attempt at humility (“But God has chosen the foolish things of the world to put to shame the wise…” 1 Corinthians 1:27).

In hindsight, I can see that it was really a lack of wisdom on my part for which I am sorry. It is not my intention to deliberately stumble anyone. Now there are some that are offended no matter what you do. But this was not the case with my friend; I received his concern as genuine as I hope I would when any concern is raised by anyone. The critic can be your best friend or your worst enemy, it just depends on how you look at it. What if he is right? If you dismiss him out of hand just because you are quick to defend yourself, you may very well miss an opportunity to avoid offending others as well.

I am grateful for my friend pointing out his concern. He was simply stating what he thought; if he was thinking it, how many others thought the same thing but were unwilling to speak out? I am grateful for his gentle rebuke.


A E A said...

Since I don't watch the Simpsons (or tv period, dvd and vhs only), I never caught the connection.

I took the gravitar as a humorous self deprecating humor. I really thought it was cool.

Sorry that you're going to abandon it, it always gave me a chuckle.

Sometimes I'm offended when people are offended. I'm offended when people are so sensitive and controlling that you have to walk on eggshells.

I know that I have offended people because I don't wear the proper uniform befitting a minister (suit and tie), obviously demonstrating an irreverent attitude and a stumbling block to the congregation.

I've offended people because we don't take an offering.

I've offended get the point.

Jesus offended people a lot. He still does. He offends those who expect Him to fit into their mold.

It is a hard balance to try not to offend the weak brothers and sisters. I try to remember how I perceived things when I fist got saved.

If the Lord has convicted you of your gravitar then get rid of it, if not...well you know. Enough of my rant.

Blessings Okie

Anonymous said...

aea: Thanks; you are so right! By the way, I don't wear a suit and tie and we don't take up an offering either (we have a basket in the back).

I do believe that it was a mistake to use the gravatar; hey, it's an easy fix to get rid of it.

I know that I am to seek to please God and not men; however, I also know that I am to seek not to stumble my brother.

Good to hear from you...

Maryb said...

Im sorry to see it go. I liked it. Oh well gotta do what you think Best. I use my Chip's picture now hope that does not upset anyone. hope no one says I am making an idol out ofhim or something, people can find something wrong with anything if they are just looking to pick at people.

Anonymous said...

I actually made a comment to you that when I listened to your church message I was surprised to hear you sound the way you did. I don't know if I mentioned the gravitar but I was thinking it..I kind of thought you may be a "country bumpkin" just from the character-especially the Hamburger helper comment!

I think it is inevitable that since we can't see one another in this form of communication that if someone uses a quirky gravitar it somehow connects the person with that image. After all thats all we've got to go on.

The question is --is that the image we wan't to project-or is it something we can hide behind..kind of taking on a different we get to play a little with who we are.

In the end, I think as a Pastor we kind of expect a little more seriousness. At least I do. I can't imagine John Macarthur or Alistair Beggs (men I admire)having a gravitar of Mr Magoo for example or even Fred Flintstone. Maybe you get my "drift".

But "different strokes for different folks".
I am appalled by some of what I see going on in the churches and others think it's just "relevant" to the times.


Anonymous said...

I never watched the Simpsons so I know nothing of the character..
So if he is not a "country bumpkin" then you will know that I formed that opinion just based in the way he looked!(and the name "Okie")

Anonymous said...

Chosen: Thanks. Like I said, it was just a poor attempt at humor. Sometimes my judgment is not the best...