Sunday, January 4, 2009

What the Bible says about the Threefold Relationship of the Holy Spirit with Men, pt. 5

Unfortunately, most Christians today (even “Bible believing” Christians) usually take one of two extreme positions regarding the Holy Spirit and His role in the Church today.

The First Position
The first position many Christians take regarding the Holy Spirit is that of denying the present gifts and ministry of the Holy Spirit in the Church today. Usually, non-Pentecostal or non-Charismatic groups have seen the emotional excesses and hype that typically is associated with the Pentecostal and Charismatic movements and they want nothing to do with this excess masquerading as the “Holy Spirit.” How unfortunate that the ministry of the Holy Spirit has been rejected by a large percentage of the Church today just because some have misrepresented Him.

Certainly, the circus atmosphere that surrounds some in the Pentecostal and Charismatic movements is disconcerting. The emotional excess that is often associated with Pentecostal Churches is both excessive and disappointing. However, just because some misrepresent the gifts of the Holy Spirit does not mean that we should reject His ministry in the Church today. He is the third Person of the Trinity. He was sent in response to the prayer of Jesus (John 14:15-17). He is our ever present helper, councilor, source of spiritual strength (Acts 1:8), and friend.

As a result, many who reject the present ministry of the Holy Spirit in the Church today lack the spiritual strength to withstand temptation and as a result, are in bondage to sin. One wonders, with the divorce rate the same in the Church as it is in the world, how many marriages could be saved if only we would re-think our position on the present ministry of the Holy Spirit in the Church today?

One sin that the Church has been guilty of is the substitution of the programs of men for the ministry of the Holy Spirit. We have our institutes of higher learning to educate our Christian workers and ministers. We have our programs to educate our children in Sunday School and in Youth Groups. We even have our programs to grow the Church and reach the lost with the Gospel. And yet, the influence of the Christian Church in America is continuing to decline. Evolution is taught in our schools as fact, abortion continues in our nation at a rate so alarming, that since 1972 when abortion on demand was instituted, 40 million babies have been murdered in America. Where is the influence of the Church in all this?

It is obvious that our programs have failed. It is obvious that our methods of trying to influence the Church, let alone the world, have failed. What we need to do, what we must do is what the Bible tells us to do, “if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” (II Chronicles 7:14). The problem is not the world. The problem is not the politicians. The problem is not evil men. The problem is the Church, the people of God. We must renounce our dependence upon the programs of men, turn from our sins, and return to a dependence upon the Holy Spirit and His power. Then, and only then, will the Church make a difference in this world.

In all fairness, not all those in the so called “non-Pentecostal” Church take this position. We have met many fine men and women in these Churches that truly do love God and are open to the present gifts and ministry of the Holy Spirit.

Unfortunately, it has been our experience that they are in the minority and not the majority.


Maryb said...

Wow this has been good Okie. Ok so as I understand it. correct me if im wrong received the HOly Spirit at the time of Salvation and then there comes a time when you do receive the power of the Holy Spirit to do greater things. Doesnt that mostly come from reading and studying God Word. I know the gifts of the spirit are for today, but I have to admit when I am around someone lets say who talks in tongues i get a bit nervous because of how badly it has been abused . Not using the gifts the way God ment for them to be used.

Anonymous said...

I will address the issue of infilling for power and the timing of such in the next few postings. Mary, you need fear nothing God desires to give you; remember, He only gives good gifts.